That is what I am doing right now.
Maybe it's because it was LAUREN SLYH's birthday?! (SOMO's Creative Director!)
My today:
8am-1pm: I was quite productive getting office logistic done. (I love checking things off a list!)
Lunch: Went and ate DELICIOUS beans and rice and chapati with Tom (the director of HEALS)- he paid, so nice!
2:30pm: Met Judith (our lead designer) back at the office. She had a MASS of SOMObeads!!! This is where the fun begins...I'm going to divert from my day and tell you about Judith's day.
Judith's today:
Wait, I have to start with a bit from yesterday.
The Gulu-grapevine had spread that Judith was looking to purchase beads. Apparently, at 8am 3 bead artisans: Margaret, Margaret and Concy had treked to the church where Judith normally goes to buy SOMObeads in hopes of catching her. But Judith was not there, so they left. At 11am Judith and I went to the church to buy beads. At 2pm Margaret, Margaret and Concy returned to the church, because they had heard we were there. But we had left. At 3pm Judith returned to the church, sans me, to grab our purchase. In front of the church sat Margeret, Margaret and Concy waiting for Judith. But, they weren't sure exactly who Judith was. So, when she came out with a sack of beads, Margaret, Margaret and Concy walked/ran after her yelling "Judith? Judith?" and when Judith turned around they were elated! "We have been looking for you for two days!" They carried her sack of beads and walked with Judith, demanding her attention. "We have beads!" "We remember you buying from us before" "You were pregnant and hormonal" "But we want to work with you" Judith was quite amused. She told them to bring what they have to her house tomorrow and she will look at their stock.
7am: knocks on the door - Margaret, Margaret and Concy wasted no time and came at the earliest, somewhat appropriate morning hour with their creations.
The next 5 hours: Judith looks at their stuff. It's good! BUT- it needs a bit of re-working. So, the ladies plop down, Judith makes breakfast for all of them and they begin breaking-up and re-stringing/designing the beads to Judith's liking. (She's a master designer with a HIGH standard!)
Laughing and stringing all morning in Judith's home, Margaret, Margaret and Concy told of when they first met Judith. Judith was pregnant with Trinity. She had come with urgency and attitude needing beads for purchase and FAST! Judith was pregnant, matter of fact and hormonal. The beads were good, but the designs were not. So Judith told them if they want her to buy, they should make them like this... And so they did as Judith instructed. Today, Margaret, Margaret and Concy got to meet Trinity. They predict that she'll be stubborn, because she made the mother SO stern.
They told Judith they know this is God's arranging. They had been looking for her for 2 days, heard accounts that Judith had been all over town with a Mzungu. Determined and desperate, Margaret, Margaret and Concy needed Judith. They told her how thankful they are - they have kids at home who should be in school, but the money's not there. (SOMO may be a small operation, but hearing Judith tell me the effect it is having on these 3 women makes it feel pretty astronomical)
When Judith came to the office she was stoked. She had a blast designing all morning with those women!
Back to my today:
3pm: Judith and I map out a plan. Tomorrow, Margaret, Margaret and Concy will come over at 9am and help us finish the designs. Then on Monday we will go with them to cut papers, roll the beads and shallaque (sp?) them for the rest of our order!
3:15pm: Go to meet Margaret, Margaret and Concy in the market to pay them for the beads.
Margaret, Margaret, Concy and Judith chatting.
4pm: I swing by the tailors and pick up my quilt. CHECK IT OUT!!!!!! Everyone should have one of these! I'd buy you all one, if I could. BUT! I'd love love to bring one back for you if you paypal me the cash ($40)! Paypal It is incredible!! It's about 5.5 feet by 4.5 feet. This is a gift, but I'm tots getting myself one!
4:30pm: I buy sweet bananas and bread for the Margaret, Margaret and Concy's breakfast tomorrow.
5pm: Hop on a Boda-Boda (motorcycle) with Emmanuel (he is a student and a net baller (basketball) player at Gulu University) - I'm going to go shoot hoops on Monday with him! Ha!
5:15pm: Return to the office to do interviews. Only Lussen is around. So, we had some time to goof off. I discovered a future model...
7pm: We finished the day with some action shots of Lussen, Marvin, Sam, Patrick and Judith!
7:30pm: I whip open my computer, bounce on my seat and write to you all! Thanks for reading!
9pm: Go to Kope Cafe for dinner with Monica and Germina (a Bugandan girl I met). She's hysterical. We discussed the recent Lagumbo (Lugandan for gossip).
i'm not much of a seat bouncer but it sounds like a bounce-in-your-seat kind of day! :)